Cambria Leann

Friday, June 15, 2012

Enjoying Every Moment

3 and half years ago I came home from the hospital and very shortly after my now best friend was there to visit. He was there when I was pregnant taking me out for late night drives and trips to sonic. He was there after placement when I some days I couldn't even function. I remember many nights where I would call him bawling my eyes out, only for him to come pick me up right away, so I wasn't alone. He even does that now when I am having a bad day. He was there during my weakest days, hardest times in my life, and he has always stood right beside me, no questions asked. 

As our friendship evolves into a relationship, I am constantly reminded why I am attracted to this guy, why I trust him so much. Because above all he's been the best friend I could ever ask for. And at the end of the day, even if our relationship doesn't keep progressing, I am grateful to have him there next to me as my best friend. 

Only time will tell the future. But for now I am enjoying every moment. 


birthmothertalks said...

That is very sweet.

Audra Owens said...

No better person to date than one that you are already best friends with. I hope it works out!