My story is not unheard.
My story is not forgotten.
My story isn't sad.
My story is well amazing.
My story is not quiet it is loud for all to hear.
Adoption is not sad, for it's the fear of it that is sad.
Birth mother's don't give up their children, they place them where they belong.
Birth mother's don't search for the easy way out, for it is of the heart that they are truly able to conquer many won't even dare.
They watch their hearts be torn, watch the emotions that tear them apart, only for the benefit of their child.
Adoption does not tear a family apart, it helps create one.
It's about making a wrong thing right, and in desperation to find the best possible life for their child birth mothers, and birth fathers, find it through adoption.
I could not ever imagine holding my child back for my benefit.
I love Lily with all my heart, and only through that was I able to make the hardest decision I have ever had to make.
Only through that was Lily given the chance to succeed without me holding her back.
Only through this will she know I loved her more than anything. I loved her more than I could ever dare try to explain.
(picture circa July 2008, 5 months)
You are awesome Cami, it's about time birthmothers spread the good word of adoption! I have such admiration for you ladies!
Cami, you continue to inspire my life. I love you.
Nana P
well said...... you are very wise and your stronger than most, indeed.
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