Visiting a fellow Momma tonight at the hospital brought me back to the time I spent at the hospital.
It brought me such a peaceful, happy feeling.
Life what an amazing thing.
To love, to give, to share.
I commend those around me, those I visit each week, and those who support.
I commend the parents, through tough battles have to make a decision to grow their families in another way.
Each week I am spiritually uplifted, peaceful, and happy all from some amazing women.
I love thinking about Lily's birth.
I remember looking at that beautiful face for the first time not knowing what to say. She was scared, and her eyes were locked on mine. "Baby it's going to be ok."
And sure enough it has better than just ok.
I love you. Can anyone ever tell someone that too much? I don't think so.
Love, Nana p
Lou... I echo mommd. I sure love you. You have a heart of pure gold.
miss you... lets do lunch this week... well next week since this one is OVER! You can give me the run down on life.
Thank you for sharing your life with me.I am blessed to know you.
I love what you wrote.
I love that you said, "Baby it's going to be OK."
So often that is all we can do...hope that all will be OK.
And so very often things turn out so much differently and better than we hope.
I am grateful you feel peace.
We love you.
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