This weekend was all about having fun, being a kid, and enjoying myself.
Yes this subject is still on my mind!
Whether it was playing tag with Bella and Claire.
Watching Brennan, Bella and Claire jumping on the couch in the basement.
Playing with Lily and lifting her way up in the air.

Taking pictures with my niece Rae.

Dancing on the floor before awards at my competition.

Having fun with my friend Will in Tucson picking out clothes for each other and trying them on, jumping on top of beds in sears, or piggy back rides that ended in spins in the middle of the isle in Sears.

Life is about having those special times, taking the chance, being silly, having fun, and loving every moment of it.
Living life to the fullest.
We all have parts of a kid in us.
Did you get to see Miss Lily this weekend? I hope you did. Enjoy, Enjoy, Enjoy!!
Friends.... Thank heaven!
Hello Friend abroad
Hi, I am a Chinese. You willing to be friends with me吗? I am a high school student, at BLOGGER see you on the blog was attracting you smile Oh!
Abroad Friend
Hello, I am a Chinese. Willing to work with you to become my friend? I am a high school student, you smile attracted me!
Abroad Friend
Hello, I am a Chinese. Willing to work with you to become my friend? I am a high school student, you smile attracted me!
I love this post. You remind me to lighten up and remember what it felt like to act like a kid. I've been acting way too adult for a long time. My grandchildren bring out the kid in me. I love it! thank you....
Nana P
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