
If I couldn't call him pretty much my best friend, I wouldn't know what to call him. In more ways then anyone else that's what he is.
I met Wylie in 9th grade, believe it nor not he was in 8th. He would walk me to class and talk to me all the time, maybe it's cause he thought I was cute. He came into my life at a perfect time, I time when more than ever I needed him.
We have our memories, and could go on for hours about movies like Happy Feet, or Mr Bean's Holiday. We could tell you experiences we have had at pretty much every mall. Or the time I accompanied him to the doctor. The summer where we spent pretty much every waking moment together, swimming and playing the rolling game. My birthday party where he pushed me in the pool, mind it was January and it had rained that day. Rainy day in winter! But more than ever I could tell you about how he is always here for me, through thick and thin. How he accepts me for who I am, despite him knowing all my strengths and weaknesses. He knows me better than anyone on the block, he knows the real Cami; in his words.
The pictures above tell stories, stories I love.
One is at my birthday party after he threw me in the pool; Hence the crazy hair, and clothes. But the smile and the funny face.
And the other tells about his experiences with Lily.
He spent my labor texting me telling me I was strong, and I could do it.
He spent an evening with me at the hospital, where he sat on the bed and talked to me.
He spent a time at my house holding Lily.
And he spent the evening with me after I placed Lily.
More than anything he is here for me, as I too am here for him.
everyone needs a best friend. I am glad I have mine too. I married him!
Aren't we thankful for friends! They are are huge sign of God's tender mercies. I am glad you have a best friend who is your confidant and there for you always. These pics are darling!
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